Corner Store King:
Buy a store, jack up prices on boring stuff, be the overpriced neighborhood boss! (Easy)
Van Sales Van:
Get vans, sell weird food and fake clothes from them, might get sued though! (Medium)
Secret Seller:
Sell stolen cars and guns to shady people, watch out for cops and gangs! (Hard)
Protection Biz:
Be a tough guy, make stores pay you not to get hurt (be sneaky!). (Hard)
Tourist Trap:
Lure tourists with overpriced junk, rigged games, or fake celebrity house tours! (Medium)
Hidden Casino:
Open a secret casino for rich folks to gamble a lot, have muscle ready for trouble! (Hard)
Seedy Movie Maker:
Make cheap movies about gangsters or stalk celebrities (without permission!). (Medium)
Trash Tycoon:
Take trash from businesses, charge a lot to get rid of it (might not be legal!). (Medium)
Fake Fixer:
Make up a charity or service to get money, promise to fix parks or fight pigeons (lie)! (Medium)
Loan Shark:
Give unfair loans with high interest, take back fancy cars and sell them for profit (debtors might be mad!). (Medium)